Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Sigur Ros: "Gobbledigook"

I don't know what it is about music from Iceland, but in general I just don't get it. Call me uncool or whatnot for not being huge on Bjork or Sigur Ros or even Mum, but none of them really do much for me. Anyway, Sigur Ros has a new album coming out called "Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust" which apparently is Icelandic or "Vonlenska" (the make-believe language that Sigur Ros invented) or something for "With A Buzz In Our Ear We Play Endlessly". I'm sorry but that just sounds like the definition of pretentiousness - creating your own language and having all of your songs be in that fake language. Well, so Sigur Ros has a new CD coming out on June 23rd (with ONE SONG ON IT IN ENGLISH!!!) and the first song from it is called "Gobbledigook" - which I thought was pretty much the names of all their songs. For the record, I have never had any issue with the actual music Sigur Ros makes, which tends to be very beautiful and occasionally great. It's just that the lyrics sound like something out of an elf's song in Lord of the Rings. Gobbledigook is no exception. If the song had actual lyrics I'm sure it would be very good. But I can't get past the Gobbledigookness of it. Perhaps you'll like it more than I did.

Download: Sigur Ros - Gobbledigook (mp3)


Anonymous said...

What the fuck man? are you living in a bubble or something?
Icelandic is not some made up language.
Although it's not a widespread one, it has been around for a long time, the language closest to the one vikings used more then a thousand years ago.
And the lyrics are not "made up"
I myself am Icelandic and I can understand what he's singing about.
So get your head out of your ass and go explore, there's a bigger world out there.
People that think English is the only language really piss me off, sorry.

Anonymous said...

Pardon, when I said the lyrics weren't made up, of course they were, but what I ment to say is that they weren't some gibberish words in some made up language of theirs, and just to add, they've never said that they made a new language, he's just making sounds that fit the music.

"Vonlenska" (Hopelandic) is just something the fans made up.